Amitabh Talwar

"Amitabh Talwar (PhD) is an academician and have authored various academic publications."

The Steps to Success: Unlocking Your Potential

Success means achieving your life goals. Mastering the steps to success can guide you toward your personal, professional, or academic… Read More

1 year ago

Top 7 spiritual benefits of sleeping on the floor

Sleep is one of the critical aspects of a healthy life. Sleeping on the floor is a spiritual practice that… Read More

2 years ago

Inspire positive soul sensations | 7 simple ways

Have you ever paused to be grateful for the simple things in life? The beauty of a sunset, the laughter… Read More

2 years ago

Buying guitar gear to motivate yourself

Learning is self-driven, but it needs to be supported with aims to keep the learner engaged. The guitar is a… Read More

2 years ago

How to develop self-discipline – the secret to success

Whatever you do for subsistence, you must always aspire for quality. Our preferences and situation influence our self-care practices. This… Read More

2 years ago

When is it My Turn to be Happy | Self Help Host

When is it My Turn to be Happy? Humans are inherently social species. Our penchant for connecting ultimately sets us… Read More

2 years ago

Top 7 Practical Time Management Skills to Control Your Life | Self Help Host

Do you constantly dash from one activity to another and feel eager? There is the exact number of hours in… Read More

2 years ago

5 Ways to Develop Self Efficacy | Self Help Host

We all struggle to achieve aspirations. It's incredible how quickly our confidence may be shattered. Isn't that how frail it… Read More

2 years ago